About Us

Who are we?

For over 40 years Bill Newman Ph.D has faithfully preached the gospel of Christ as an international evangelist based out of Australia. Starting from regional tent meetings in the late 70’s to ministering in massive arenas the world over in the modern day, with untold 1000’s coming to Christ as each year passed. After a change of focus through COVID and the rebirth of his TV show POWER FOR LIVING on FOXTEL and TBN (Pacific) Bill now gathers together some of the sharpest minds in the world on evangelism and invites you to participate in the ACADEMY OF EVANGELISM where he brings together resources, teaching and training to equip and release the next generation in the work of evangelism.



With over 40 years of evangelistic ministry and experience, Bill Newman has assembled a resource base of great preachers and teachers to help you activate the work of evangelism in your life, to help you see the ones you love won for eternity.

Video Series available:
• Equip Seminars (Main Sessions)
• How to Lead a Person to Christ (3 Part Series)
• Reaping the Harvest (Preparation course for Live Events)


Bill Newman Ministries partners with local churches and communities to host two types of Live Events

1. COME TOGETHER outreach events. Where the local community is reached in a festival setting with live music and the preaching of God’s Word. These events are inspirational as so many come to Christ trough the simple hosting of an event.


2. EQUIP SEMINARS which help to train the local congregation members to be able to effectively and fruitfully lead people to Christ. These events are very strengthening to the local churches as these events make the work of evangelism simple and accessible to all.


Tool yourself with great resources:

• Tracts
• Books
• Training Workbooks
• Event Management Packages

At our RESOURCE CENTRE you’ll find a wealth of quality resources. Bill’s tracts have been distributed well into the 100,000’s of copies as have his books on leadership, evangelism and Christian life.

Give your faith the tools it you need to go to the next level.


Sign up here for these inspiring Seminars and serve the Lord with a great confidence.